Index of /ogle/ogle4/planets/wide_orbit_rate
Wide-Orbit Exoplanets are Common.
Analysis of Nearly 20 Years of OGLE Microlensing Survey Data
R. Poleski, J. Skowron, P. Mróz, A. Udalski,
M.K. Szymanski, P. Pietrukowicz, K. Ulaczyk, K. Rybicki,
P. Iwanek, M.Wrona and M. Gromadzki
Acta Astronomica 71, 1 (2021); arXiv: 2104.02079
This directory presents results of analysis of occurrence of wide-orbit
microlensing planets.
The directory structure is as follows:
README - this file,
fields.dat - information on fields studied,
events.dat - list of microlensing events analyzed,
detection_eff.dat - detection efficiency
post_def.dat - posterior samples for default selection criteria,
post_ext.dat - posterior samples for extended selection criteria,
post_def_add_ob170114.dat - posterior samples for default selection
criteria and assuming wide-orbit solution for
post_ext_add_ob170114.dat - posterior samples for extended selection
criteria and assuming wide-orbit solution for
Byte-by-byte Description of file: fields.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 6 A6 --- Name Name of the field
8- 9 I2 h RAh Right Ascension J2000 (hours)
11- 12 I2 min RAm Right Ascension J2000 (minutes)
14- 17 F4.1 s RAs Right Ascension J2000 (seconds)
19- 21 I3 deg DEd Declination J2000 (degrees)
23- 24 I2 arcmin DEm Declination J2000 (arcminutes)
26- 27 I2 arcsec DEs Declination J2000 (arcseconds)
29 A1 --- OGLEphase OGLE phase: 3 or 4
31- 37 F7.2 d DeltaTime Total time of observations
39- 43 I5 --- Nepochs Number of epochs
45- 50 F6.4 d MedianDT Median time difference between consecutive epochs
Byte-by-byte Description of file: events.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 16 A16 --- Name Event name
18- 19 I2 h RAh Right Ascension J2000 (hours)
21- 22 I2 min RAm Right Ascension J2000 (minutes)
24- 28 F5.2 s RAs Right Ascension J2000 (seconds)
30- 32 I3 deg DEd Declination J2000 (degrees)
34- 35 I2 arcmin DEm Declination J2000 (arcminutes)
37- 40 F4.1 arcsec DEs Declination J2000 (arcseconds)
42- 42 I1 --- OGLEphase Phase of OGLE project: 3 or 4
44- 61 A18 --- EWSid ID on EWS website or "-" if not announced there
63- 67 I5 --- Nepochs Number of epochs
69- 76 F8.5 --- chi2dof Chi^2 per number of degrees of freedom
78- 90 F13.5 --- t0 HJD of minimum separation
92-100 F9.6 --- u0 Impact parameter relative to theta_E
102-111 F10.6 d tE Einstein ring crossing time
113-120 F8.5 --- piEN North component of microlensing parallax
122-129 F8.5 --- piEE East component of microlensing parallax
131-137 I7 --- t0par HJD of parameter reference epoch
139-144 F6.3 mag Ibase Baseline brightness in I band
146-151 F6.3 mag Isource Source brightness in I band
153-158 F6.3 mag IRC Red clump brightness in I band
160-160 A1 --- f_IRC Flag for IRC (1)
162-169 F8.6 --- rho Source radius relative to theta_E
171-178 F8.6 --- e_rho Error on rho (lower value)
180-187 F8.6 --- E_rho Error on rho (upper value)
189-189 A1 --- f_rho Flag for rho (2)
Note (1):
N = value from Nataf et al. (2013; ApJ 769, 88)
f = value fitted by the authors
- = no data
Note (2):
m = value from Galactic model
f = value from microlensing fit
- = no data
Byte-by-byte Description of file: detection_eff.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 3 F3.1 --- s Projected separation relative to Einstein ring radius
5- 12 F8.6 --- q Mass-ratio
14- 20 F7.3 --- SensitivityDefault Survey sensitivity for default detection criteria (Fig. 6 of the paper)
22- 28 F7.3 --- SensitivityExtend Survey sensitivity for extended detection criteria
Byte-by-byte Description of files: post_def.dat, post_ext.dat,
post_def_add_ob170114.dat, and post_ext_add_ob170114.dat
1- 8 F8.6 --- A Multiplicative constant
10- 18 F9.6 --- n Exponent of s
20- 28 F9.6 --- m Exponent of q
30- 38 F9.6 --- log10(prior) Log10 of prior probability
Any presentation of the scientific analysis or usage of the data from this
directory should include appropriate reference to the paper.