Index of /ogle/ogle4/OCVS/blg/transits

[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory  -  
[   ]paper.pdf2023-10-19 14:19 17M 
[   ]model.dat2023-10-19 13:32 136K 
[TXT]transits_all.csv2023-11-10 15:12 126K 
[TXT]README2023-10-19 15:06 42K 
[   ]ident.dat2023-10-13 19:15 8.5K 
[   ]transits.dat2023-11-10 15:14 7.5K 
[DIR]phot_ogle4/2023-11-12 18:01 -  
[DIR]model/2023-10-13 16:40 -  
[DIR]fcharts/2023-10-19 13:38 -  

                                                     (M. Mróz, 2023)
Candidates for Transiting Planets in OGLE-IV Galactic Bulge Fields
    M. Mróz, P. Pietrukowicz, R. Poleski, A. Udalski, M.K. Szymański,
    M. Gromadzki, K. Ulaczyk, S. Kozłowski, J. Skowron, D.M. Skowron,
    I. Soszyński, P. Mróz, M. Ratajczak, K.A. Rybicki, P. Iwanek, M. Wrona
Keywords: exoplanets, transits, OGLE

  This directory contains the OGLE-IV catalog of candidates for transiting
  planets toward the Galactic bulge.

File Summary:
 FileName    Lrecl   Records    Explanations
ReadMe             80        .  this file
ident.dat          87       99  identification of stars
transits.dat       72       99  basic parameters of systems with transiting planetary candidates
model.dat        1410       99  EXOFASTv2 planetary transit models parameters (median values and errors)

transits_all.csv    .       99  CSV file with all the parameters of systems with transiting planetary candidates

phot_ogle4/I/       .        .  I-band OGLE-IV photometry of individual stars (2010-2019)
phot_ogle4/V/       .        .  V-band OGLE-IV photometry of individual stars (2010-2019)
phot_ogle4.tar.gz   .        .  gzipped phot_ogle4/ directory

fcharts/            .        .  finding charts of individual stars

model/ls            .        .  postscript plots of folded light curve of transits with fitted EXOFASTv2 model (top panel) and residuals (bottom panel) of individual stars
model/covar         .        .  postscript plots of covariances of EXOFASTv2 model parameters 
model/median        .        .  CSV files of individual system with median values and 68% confidence intervals of EXOFASTv2 model parameters 
model/pdf           .        .  PDF files of individual system with median values and 68% confidence intervals of EXOFASTv2 model parameters 

paper.pdf           .        .  PDF version of the paper Mróz et al. (2023),
                    	         ??? describing the collection.

Byte-by-byte Description of file: ident.dat
 Bytes Format Units  Label     Explanations
 1-12   A12    ---    ID          Identifier (1)
14-15   I2     h      RAh         Right ascension (hour)
17-18   I2     min    RAm         Right ascension (minute)
20-24   F5.2   s      RAs         Right ascension (seconds)
26-26   A1     ---    DE-         Declination (degree)
27-28   I2     deg    DEd         Declination (degree)
30-31   I2     arcmin DEm         Declination (minute)
33-36   F4.1   arcsec DEs         Declination (seconds)
38-53   A16    ---    ID_OGLE_IV  OGLE-IV identifier
55-69   A15    ---    ID_OGLE_III OGLE-III identifier
71-85   A15    ---    ID_OGLE_II  OGLE-II identifier
87-87   A1     ---    ID_OTHER    Other identifiers 

Note (1): In the format OGLE-TR-NNNN, where NNNN is a 4-digit number.

Byte-by-byte Description of file: transits.dat
 Bytes Format Units  Label     Explanations
 1-12   A12    ---    ID       Identifier (1)
14-19   F6.3   mag    Imag     [12.8/15.5] Intensity mean I-band magnitude
21-26   F6.3   mag    Vmag     [13.35/17.42]  Intensity mean V-band magnitude
28-38   F11.8  d      Period_0 [0.67/63.23] Orbital period (from the EXOFASTv2
                             model with minimal chi2)
40-45   F6.5   BJD_TDB-2450000 tc_0     [5261.03/5503.97] Time of inferior
                             conjunction (transit) (from the EXOFASTv2 model
                             with minimal chi2) (2)
47-52   F6.4   d      t14_0    [0.07/0.74] Duration of transit from 1st contact
                             to 4th contact (from the EXOFASTv2 model with
                             minimal chi2) (2)
54-61   F8.6   ---    delta_0  [0.0/0.05] Transit depth (Rp/Rstar)^2 (from the
                             EXOFASTv2 model with minimal chi2) (2)
63-67   F5.3   ---    pr_pl    [0.8/1.0] Probability(planet|signal) base on
                             VESPA (3) 
69-72   F4.2   ---    SNR      [6.24/96.28] signal-to-noise ratio

Note (1): In the format OGLE-TR-NNNN, where NNNN is a 4-digit number.

Note (2): For detailed parameter definition see Eastman et al. (2019)

Note (3): For detailed parameter definition see Morton (2012)

Byte-by-byte Description of file: model.dat
 Bytes Format Units  Label     Explanations
   1-  12   A12    ---    ID                  Identifier (1)
  14-  19   F6.4   solMass mstar_0            [0.12/4.2] Stellar mass (2)
  21-  25   F5.3   solMass E_mstar_0          [0.01/4.41] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in mstar_0
  27-  31   F5.3   solMass e_mstar_0          [0.0/1.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in mstar_0
  33-  37   F5.3   solRad rstar_0            [0.86/8.1] Stellar radius (2)
  39-  43   F5.3   solRad E_rstar_0          [0.02/2.21] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in rstar_0
  45-  49   F5.3   solRad e_rstar_0          [0.02/1.9] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in rstar_0
  51-  55   F5.3   solRad rstarsed_0         [0.37/8.4] Stellar radius base on
                                           SED model (2)
  57-  61   F5.3   solRad E_rstarsed_0       [0.02/2.5] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in rstarsed_0
  63-  67   F5.3   solRad e_rstarsed_0       [0.01/1.9] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in rstarsed_0
  69-  75   F7.3   solLum lstar_0            [0.13/940.0] Stellar luminosity (2)
  77-  84   F8.3   solLum E_lstar_0          [0.03/1900.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in lstar_0
  86-  92   F7.3   solLum e_lstar_0          [0.02/350.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in lstar_0
  94- 102   E9.4   erg/s/cm2 fbol_0             [0.0/0.01] Stellar bolometric
                                           flux (2)
 104- 110   E7.2   erg/s/cm2 E_fbol_0           [0.0/0.01] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in fbol_0
 112- 118   E7.2   erg/s/cm2 e_fbol_0           [0.0/0.01] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in fbol_0
 120- 126   F7.5   g/cm3  rhostar_0          [0.0/1.91] Stellar density (2)
 128- 133   F6.4   g/cm3  E_rhostar_0        [0.0/1.11] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in rhostar_0
 135- 141   F7.5   g/cm3  e_rhostar_0        [0.0/0.82] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in rhostar_0
 143- 147   F5.3   cgs    logg_0             [2.63/4.52] Stellar surface gravity
 149- 153   F5.3   cgs    E_logg_0           [0.01/0.5] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in logg_0
 155- 159   F5.3   cgs    e_logg_0           [0.01/0.51] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in logg_0
 161- 167   F7.1   K      teff_0             [3670.0/21600.0] Stellar effective
                                           temperature (2)
 169- 175   F7.1   K      E_teff_0           [130.0/17000.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in teff_0
 177- 182   F6.1   K      e_teff_0           [83.0/5100.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in teff_0
 184- 190   F7.1   K      teffsed_0          [3635.0/21200.0] Stellar effective
                                           temperature based on SED model (2)
 192- 198   F7.1   K      E_teffsed_0        [120.0/17000.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in teffsed_0
 200- 205   F6.1   K      e_teffsed_0        [72.0/5200.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in teffsed_0
 207- 212   F6.3   dex    feh_0              [-4.49/0.45] Current metalicity,
                                           [Fe/H] (2)
 214- 218   F5.3   dex    E_feh_0            [0.08/3.5] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in feh_0
 220- 224   F5.3   dex    e_feh_0            [0.05/3.6] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in feh_0
 226- 232   E7.2   Gyr    age_0              [0.0/13.2] Age of star (2)
 234- 240   E7.2   Gyr    E_age_0            [0.0/12.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in age_0
 242- 248   E7.2   Gyr    e_age_0            [0.0/12.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in age_0
 250- 254   F5.1   ---    eep_0              [43.0/506.0] Equivalent
                                           evolutionary point; fitted for MIST
                                           models only (see
 256- 260   F5.1   ---    E_eep_0            [1.9/150.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in eep_0
 262- 266   F5.1   ---    e_eep_0            [1.7/360.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in eep_0
 268- 274   F7.4   ---    logmstar_0         [-0.92/0.63] Log10 mstar/msun (2)
 276- 280   F5.3   ---    E_logmstar_0       [0.01/0.57] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in logmstar_0
 282- 287   F6.4   ---    e_logmstar_0       [0.0/0.52] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in logmstar_0
 289- 293   F5.3   mag    Av_0               [0.19/4.76] V-band extinction;
                                           fitted for SED models only (2)
 295- 299   F5.3   mag    E_Av_0             [0.02/1.11] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in Av_0
 301- 305   F5.3   mag    e_Av_0             [0.07/1.2] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in Av_0
 307- 311   F5.2   ---    errscale_0         [2.6/81.0] Error scaling for the
                                           SED model; fitted parameter if SED
                                           fit (2)
 313- 317   F5.2   ---    E_errscale_0       [0.93/42.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in errscale_0
 319- 323   F5.2   ---    e_errscale_0       [0.75/36.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in errscale_0
 325- 330   F6.4   mas    parallax_0         [0.18/2.44] Parallax (2)
 332- 337   F6.4   mas    E_parallax_0       [0.0/0.59] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in parallax_0
 339- 343   F5.3   mas    e_parallax_0       [0.01/0.29] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in parallax_0
 345- 350   F6.1   pc     distance_0         [411.0/5500.0] Distance to the star
 352- 357   F6.1   pc     E_distance_0       [22.0/5900.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in distance_0
 359- 364   F6.1   pc     e_distance_0       [15.0/2100.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in distance_0
 366- 376   F11.8  d      Period_0           [0.67/63.23] Orbital period (2)
 378- 384   E7.2   d      E_Period_0         [0.0/0.01] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in Period_0
 386- 392   E7.2   d      e_Period_0         [0.0/0.01] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in Period_0
 394- 398   F5.3   R_jupiter rp_0               [0.56/5.5] Planetary radius (2)
 400- 404   F5.3   R_jupiter E_rp_0             [0.03/3.3] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in rp_0
 406- 410   F5.3   R_jupiter e_rp_0             [0.03/2.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in rp_0
 412- 419   F8.4   M_jupiter mp_0               [0.12/580.0] Planet mass,
                                           quantity is derived from the Chen &
                                           Kipping (2017) exoplanet mass-radius
                                           relations (2)
 421- 428   F8.4   M_jupiter E_mp_0             [0.0/410.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in mp_0
 430- 437   F8.4   M_jupiter e_mp_0             [0.0/230.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in mp_0
 439- 447   F9.7   solMass mpsun_0            [0.0/0.56] Planet mass (2)
 449- 455   E7.2   solMass E_mpsun_0          [0.0/0.39] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in mpsun_0
 457- 463   E7.2   solMass e_mpsun_0          [0.0/0.22] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in mpsun_0
 465- 477   F13.5  BJD_TDB tc_0               [2455261.03/2455503.97] Time of
                                           inferior conjunction (transit) (2)
 479- 485   F7.5   BJD_TDB E_tc_0             [0.0/2.8] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in tc_0
 487- 493   F7.5   BJD_TDB e_tc_0             [0.0/1.11] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in tc_0
 495- 507   F13.5  BJD_TDB t0_0               [2455373.67/2457369.05] Optimal
                                           conjunction Time (2)
 509- 515   F7.5   BJD_TDB E_t0_0             [0.0/1.7] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in t0_0
 517- 523   F7.5   BJD_TDB e_t0_0             [0.0/2.1] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in t0_0
 525- 531   F7.5   AU     a_0                [0.01/0.34] Semi-major axis (2)
 533- 539   F7.5   AU     E_a_0              [0.0/0.03] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in a_0
 541- 547   F7.5   AU     e_a_0              [0.0/0.05] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in a_0
 549- 554   F6.3   degrees ideg_0             [56.0/89.86] Planetary inclination
 556- 561   F6.3   degrees E_ideg_0           [0.06/14.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in ideg_0
 563- 568   F6.3   degrees e_ideg_0           [0.06/12.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in ideg_0
 570- 575   F6.1   K      teq_0              [403.0/4600.0] Planetary
                                           equilibrium temperature, assuming no
                                           albedo, perfect redistribution (2)
 577- 582   F6.1   K      E_teq_0            [20.0/6000.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in teq_0
 584- 589   F6.1   K      e_teq_0            [19.0/1200.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in teq_0
 591- 597   E7.2   Gyr    tcirc_0            [0.0/2200000.0] Tidal
                                           circularization timescale (2)
 599- 605   E7.2   Gyr    E_tcirc_0          [0.0/5100000.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in tcirc_0
 607- 613   E7.2   Gyr    e_tcirc_0          [0.0/2000000.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in tcirc_0
 615- 622   F8.2   m/s    k_0                [10.21/38000.0] RV semi-amplitude,
                                           quantity is derived from the Chen &
                                           Kipping (2017) exoplanet mass-radius
                                           relations (2)
 624- 631   F8.2   m/s    E_k_0              [0.54/18000.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in k_0
 633- 640   F8.2   m/s    e_k_0              [0.82/32000.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in k_0
 642- 647   F6.4   ---    p_0                [0.03/0.21] Rp/Rstar (2)
 649- 654   F6.4   ---    E_p_0              [0.0/0.04] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in p_0
 656- 661   F6.4   ---    e_p_0              [0.0/0.03] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in p_0
 663- 669   F7.4   rstar  ar_0               [1.04/48.4] Semi-major axis (2)
 671- 675   F5.3   rstar  E_ar_0             [0.02/5.8] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in ar_0
 677- 682   F6.4   rstar  e_ar_0             [0.0/6.5] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in ar_0
 684- 691   F8.6   ---    delta_0            [0.0/0.05] (Rp/Rstar)^2 (2)
 693- 699   E7.2   ---    E_delta_0          [0.0/0.01] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in delta_0
 701- 707   E7.2   ---    e_delta_0          [0.0/0.01] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in delta_0
 709- 715   F7.5   ---    depth_I_0          [0.0/0.05]  Flux decrement in
                                           I-band at mid transit (can differ
                                           from delta due to grazing geometries
                                           and limb darkening) (2)
 717- 723   F7.5   ---    E_depth_I_0        [0.0/0.01] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in depth_I_0
 725- 731   F7.5   ---    e_depth_I_0        [0.0/0.01] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in depth_I_0
 733- 739   F7.5   ---    depth_V_0          [0.0/0.06]  Flux decrement in
                                           V-band at mid transit (can differ
                                           from delta due to grazing geometries
                                           and limb darkening) (2)
 741- 747   F7.5   ---    E_depth_V_0        [0.0/0.01] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in depth_V_0
 749- 755   F7.5   ---    e_depth_V_0        [0.0/0.01] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in depth_V_0
 757- 763   F7.5   days   tau_0              [0.0/0.21] Duration of ingress or
                                           egress (2)
 765- 771   F7.5   days   E_tau_0            [0.0/0.15] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in tau_0
 773- 779   F7.5   days   e_tau_0            [0.0/0.11] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in tau_0
 781- 786   F6.4   d      t14_0              [0.07/0.74] Duration of transit
                                           from 1st contact to 4th contact (2)
 788- 793   F6.4   d      E_t14_0            [0.0/0.09] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in t14_0
 795- 800   F6.4   d      e_t14_0            [0.0/0.1] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in t14_0
 802- 808   F7.5   d      tfwhm_0            [0.03/0.71] Duration of transit
                                           from mid ingress to mid egress (2)
 810- 815   F6.4   d      E_tfwhm_0          [0.0/0.1] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in tfwhm_0
 817- 823   F7.5   d      e_tfwhm_0          [0.0/0.1] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in tfwhm_0
 825- 829   F5.3   ---    b_0                [0.05/1.02] Primary transit impact
                                           parameter (2)
 831- 835   F5.3   ---    E_b_0              [0.01/0.39] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in b_0
 837- 841   F5.3   ---    e_b_0              [0.01/0.46] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in b_0
 843- 849   F7.4   ---    cosi_0             [0.0/0.56]? Cosine of planet
                                           inclination (2)
 851- 857   F7.4   ---    E_cosi_0           [0.0/0.2]? upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in cosi_0
 859- 865   F7.4   ---    e_cosi_0           [0.0/0.23]? lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in cosi_0
 867- 874   F8.3   ppm    eclipsedepth25_0   [0.05/3310.0] BB eclipse depth at
                                           2.5µm (2)
 876- 883   F8.3   ppm    E_eclipsedepth25_0 [0.09/2000.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in eclipsedepth25_0
 885- 892   F8.3   ppm    e_eclipsedepth25_0 [0.03/1400.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in eclipsedepth25_0
 894- 899   F6.1   ppm    eclipsedepth50_0   [19.1/5810.0] BB eclipse depth at
                                           5.0µm (2)
 901- 906   F6.1   ppm    E_eclipsedepth50_0 [12.0/2500.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in eclipsedepth50_0
 908- 913   F6.1   ppm    e_eclipsedepth50_0 [7.6/1900.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in eclipsedepth50_0
 915- 920   F6.1   ppm    eclipsedepth75_0   [81.0/6950.0] BB eclipse depth at
                                           7.5µm (2)
 922- 927   F6.1   ppm    E_eclipsedepth75_0 [25.0/2600.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in eclipsedepth75_0
 929- 934   F6.1   ppm    e_eclipsedepth75_0 [19.0/2100.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in eclipsedepth75_0
 936- 943   F8.5   g/cm^3 rhop_0             [0.01/78.0] Planetary density (2)
 945- 952   F8.5   g/cm^3 E_rhop_0           [0.0/80.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in rhop_0
 954- 961   F8.5   g/cm^3 e_rhop_0           [0.0/48.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in rhop_0
 963- 973   F11.8  days   logp_0             [-0.18/1.81] Log10 period  (2)
 975- 981   E7.2   days   E_logp_0           [0.0/0.01] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in logp_0
 983- 989   E7.2   days   e_logp_0           [0.0/0.01] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in logp_0
 991- 995   F5.3   cgs    loggp_0            [2.03/5.17] Log10 planetary surface
                                           gravity (2)
 997-1001   F5.3   cgs    E_loggp_0          [0.01/2.21] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in loggp_0
1003-1007   F5.3   cgs    e_loggp_0          [0.01/2.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in loggp_0
1009-1016   F8.5   ---    safronov_0         [0.01/66.0] Safronov number (2)
1018-1025   F8.5   ---    E_safronov_0       [0.0/86.0] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in safronov_0
1027-1034   F8.5   ---    e_safronov_0       [0.0/51.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in safronov_0
1036-1043   F8.4   1e9erg/s/cm2 fave_0             [0.0/100.0] Average Incident
                                           flux (2)
1045-1053   F9.4   1e9erg/s/cm2 E_fave_0           [0.0/2700.0] upper error :
                                           The 84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in fave_0
1055-1061   F7.4   1e9erg/s/cm2 e_fave_0           [0.0/72.0] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in fave_0
1063-1075   F13.5  BJD_TDB ts_0               [2455259.59/2455502.92] Time of
                                           secondary eclipse (2)
1077-1083   F7.5   BJD_TDB E_ts_0             [0.0/1.7] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in ts_0
1085-1091   F7.5   BJD_TDB e_ts_0             [0.0/3.8] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in ts_0
1093-1105   F13.5  BJD_TDB (2) ta_0               [2455261.74/2455505.55] Time
                                           of Ascending node
1107-1113   F7.5   BJD_TDB (2) E_ta_0             [0.0/1.11] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in ta_0
1115-1121   F7.5   BJD_TDB (2) e_ta_0             [0.0/3.8] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in ta_0
1123-1135   F13.5   BJD_TDB td_0               [2455261.27/2455504.49] Time of
                                           Descending node (2)
1137-1143   F7.5    BJD_TDB E_td_0             [0.0/1.2] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in td_0
1145-1151   F7.5    BJD_TDB e_td_0             [0.0/3.8] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in td_0
1153-1156   F4.2   ---    vcve_0             [1.0/1.08] V_c/V_e (2)
1158-1161   F4.2   ---    E_vcve_0            upper error : The 84th-50th
                                           percentile of parameter distribution
                                           in vcve_0
1163-1165   F3.1   ---    e_vcve_0            lower error : The 50th-16th
                                           percentile of parameter distribution
                                           in vcve_0
1167-1173   E7.2   ---    q_0                [0.0/0.53] Mass ratio (mp/mstar)
1175-1181   E7.2   ---    E_q_0              [0.0/0.34] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in q_0
1183-1189   E7.2   ---    e_q_0              [0.0/0.48] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in q_0
1191-1197   F7.5   ---    pt_0               [0.01/0.93] A priori non-grazing
                                           transit probability (2)
1199-1205   F7.5   ---    E_pt_0             [0.0/0.13] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in pt_0
1207-1213   F7.5   ---    e_pt_0             [0.0/0.13] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in pt_0
1215-1221   F7.5   ---    ptg_0              [0.02/1.0] A priori transit
                                           probability (2)
1223-1229   F7.5   ---    E_ptg_0            [0.0/0.15] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in ptg_0
1231-1237   F7.5   ---    e_ptg_0            [0.0/0.15] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in ptg_0
1239-1243   F5.3   ---    u1_0               [0.09/0.51] I-band linear limb
                                           darkening coefficient; fitted (with
                                           prior from Claret & Bloeman, 2011)
1245-1249   F5.3   ---    E_u1_0             [0.01/0.2] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in u1_0
1251-1255   F5.3   ---    e_u1_0             [0.04/0.18] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in u1_0
1257-1261   F5.3   ---    u2_0               [0.16/0.43] I-band quadratic limb
                                           darkening coefficient; fitted (with
                                           prior from Claret & Bloeman, 2011
1263-1267   F5.3   ---    E_u2_0             [0.03/0.13] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in u2_0
1269-1273   F5.3   ---    e_u2_0             [0.03/0.12] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in u2_0
1275-1279   F5.3   ---    u1_1               [0.11/0.86] V-band linear limb
                                           darkening coefficient; fitted (with
                                           prior from Claret & Bloeman, 2011)
1281-1285   F5.3   ---    E_u1_1             [0.04/0.34] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in u1_1
1287-1291   F5.3   ---    e_u1_1             [0.04/0.39] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in u1_1
1293-1298   F6.3   ---    u2_1               [-0.03/0.41] V-band quadratic limb
                                           darkening coefficient; fitted (with
                                           prior from Claret & Bloeman, 2011
1300-1304   F5.3   ---    E_u2_1             [0.04/0.2] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in u2_1
1306-1310   F5.3   ---    e_u2_1             [0.02/0.18] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in u2_1
1312-1320   E9.4   fraction variance_0         [0.0/0.01] I-band  added variance
                                           to the transit light curve (2)
1322-1328   E7.2   fraction E_variance_0       [0.0/0.01] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in variance_0
1330-1336   E7.2   fraction e_variance_0       [0.0/0.01] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in variance_0
1338-1345   F8.6   ---    f0_0               [0.99/1.01] Baseline flux in I-band
1347-1353   E7.2   ---    E_f0_0             [0.0/0.01] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in f0_0
1355-1361   E7.2   ---    e_f0_0             [0.0/0.01] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in f0_0
1363-1370   E8.3   fraction variance_1         [0.0/0.01] V-band  added variance
                                           to the transit light curve  (2)
1372-1378   E7.2   fraction E_variance_1       [0.0/0.01] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in variance_1
1380-1386   E7.2   fraction e_variance_1       [0.0/0.01] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in variance_1
1388-1394   F7.5   ---    f0_1               [0.99/1.01] Baseline flux in V-band
1396-1402   F7.5   ---    E_f0_1             [0.0/0.01] upper error : The
                                           84th-50th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in f0_1
1404-1410   F7.5   ---    e_f0_1             [0.0/0.01] lower error : The
                                           50th-16th percentile of parameter
                                           distribution in f0_1


Note (1): In the format OGLE-TR-NNNN, where NNNN is a 4-digit number.

Note (2): For detailed parameter definition see Eastman et al. (2019)

Format of the files with photometry (OGLE-TR-NNNN.dat)
 Bytes  Format Units   Description
  1- 10  F10.5 days    Heliocentric Julian Day - 2450000
 12- 17  F6.3  mag     Magnitude
 19- 23  F5.3  mag     Uncertainty of magnitude

See also:        : OGLE On-line Data Directory    : EXOFASTv2 code : VESPA code

Finding charts are gzipped Postscript images. These are 1'x1' subframes
of the I-band reference frames centered on the star. White cross marks the
star. North is up and East to the left.

Figures related to the EXOFASTv2 models of transits are Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) images.  

All CSV files are files with comma-separated values, with the header in the first line containing column names.

Any presentation of the scientific analysis or usage of the data from the
catalog of candidates for transiting  planets toward the Galactic bulge should 
include the appropriate reference(s) to OGLE paper(s).


     Chen, J., & Kipping, D. 2017, ApJ, 834, 17.
     Claret, A., & Bloemen, S. 2011, A&A, 529, A75.
     Eastman, J., Rodriguez, J., Agol, E., et al. 2019, arXiv:1907.09480.
     Morton, T. 2012, ApJ, 761, 6. parameter definition see Eastman et al. (2019)