This directory contains OGLE-III photometric maps of 267 Galactic bulge fields (BLG100-BLG366) observed during the OGLE-III phase of the OGLE survey. The directory structure is as follows: README - this file fields.txt - equatorial and galactic coordinates of the OGLE-III Galactic bulge fields. - Postscript version of the paper Szymanski et al.(2011), Acta Astron. 61, 83, describing the maps. maps/ - subdirectory with compressed map files (2136 files) - data for subfield BLG100.1 - data for subfield BLG100.2 - data for subfield BLG100.3 - data for subfield BLG100.4 - data for subfield BLG100.5 - data for subfield BLG100.6 - data for subfield BLG100.7 - data for subfield BLG100.8 ... - data for subfield BLG366.1 - data for subfield BLG366.2 - data for subfield BLG366.3 - data for subfield BLG366.4 - data for subfield BLG366.5 - data for subfield BLG366.6 - data for subfield BLG366.7 - data for subfield BLG366.8 ref_images - subdirectory with compressed I-band reference images (2136 FITS files, 2180x4176 pixels) blg100.I.1.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG100.1 blg100.I.2.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG100.2 blg100.I.3.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG100.3 blg100.I.4.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG100.4 blg100.I.5.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG100.5 blg100.I.6.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG100.6 blg100.I.7.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG100.7 blg100.I.8.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG100.8 ... blg366.I.1.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG366.1 blg366.I.2.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG366.2 blg366.I.3.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG366.3 blg366.I.4.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG366.4 blg366.I.5.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG366.5 blg366.I.6.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG366.6 blg366.I.7.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG366.7 blg366.I.8.fts.bz2 - I-band reference image of the subfield BLG366.8 All *.bz2 files are compressed with the bzip2 program. Format of maps in C-language is: "%6d %10s %11s %7.2f %7.2f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %3d %2d %5.3f %4d %2d %5.3f\n" with columns: V-band I-band DB_no RA(J2000) DEC(J2000) X_ref Y_ref V V-I I Ng Nb sig Ng Nb sig where DB_no - number in the database, RA, DEC - equatorial coordinates, X_ref,Y_ref - pixel coordinates in the I-band reference image, V, V-I, I - photometry data, Ng - number of "good" measurements, Nb - number of "bad" (removed with 5 sigma rejection alghoritm) measurements, sig - standard deviation of "good" measurements. Here is a sample of data from the blg100.1 subfield map: 1 17:51:01.01 -30:16:16.9 389.87 17.04 19.583 5.371 14.212 6 0 0.049 1330 0 0.053 2 17:51:01.20 -30:15:39.4 533.88 27.13 15.919 1.969 13.950 7 0 0.007 1547 4 0.015 3 17:51:01.60 -30:16:17.5 387.42 46.62 13.684 0.824 12.860 6 1 0.002 1849 1 0.018 4 17:51:01.73 -30:16:07.6 425.45 52.99 15.017 1.100 13.916 7 0 0.006 1915 0 0.014 5 17:51:02.25 -30:16:15.0 396.82 78.91 99.999 9.999 14.807 0 0 9.999 1381 0 1.042 6 17:51:02.39 -30:17:29.8 109.36 84.93 13.512 0.761 12.751 8 0 0.005 2147 0 0.017 7 17:51:02.47 -30:15:45.5 510.54 89.89 14.610 1.132 13.479 8 0 0.002 2192 3 0.013 8 17:51:03.11 -30:16:33.5 325.87 121.45 17.709 3.546 14.162 8 0 0.022 2307 0 0.013 9 17:51:03.79 -30:16:57.0 235.10 154.61 17.066 3.359 13.708 8 0 0.007 2373 1 0.009 10 17:51:03.93 -30:17:05.3 203.24 161.44 19.237 5.418 13.818 8 0 0.065 2380 0 0.081 WARNING!!! "Magic" numbers: 99.999 for magnitude and 9.999 for color and standard deviation denote "no measurement". A plus (+) sign in the N_b V-band column indicates that the V-band counterpart of an object was found in more than one subfield and the photometry was merged. Please NOTE: Any presentation of the scientific analysis or usage of the data from the OGLE-III VI maps of the Galactic bulge should cite the apropriate OGLE paper(s).