Data for the SMC microlensing events search and optical depth calculation in the OGLE-II ogle-smc-01_Iband.dat - I-band OGLE-II data for the OGLE-SMC-01 event ogle-smc-01_Vband_from_MACHO.dat - V-band data for the event, transformed from MACHO B-band data ogle3.I.dat - OGLE-III I-band data for the object ogle3.V.dat - OGLE-III V-band data for the object efficiency_dense_smc_sc5.dat - detection efficiency curve for a dense field SC5 efficiency_sparse_smc_sc7.dat - detection efficiency curve for a sparse field SC7 ogle2_taulim_lmcsmc.dat - data for limits on Macho halo fraction with columns: logM - logarithm of mass of MACHO f(95) - fraction for N=3, B=3, 95 confidence level f(90) - fraction for N=3, B=3, 90 c.l. f2(95) - fraction for N=2, B=3, 95 c.l. f2(90) - fraction for N=2, B=3, 90 c.l. table_error_corrections.txt - table with error correction coefficients for SMC OGLE-II fields. table_fields_number_of_stars.txt - table with SMC fields, their coordinates (each field is 14x56 arcmin), template number of stars, re-calculated number of stars, density and density level. ----- data_ogle2_smc_tau.tar - all above files