This directory contains VI-maps of the Galactic bulge fields observed during the OGLE-II microlensing survey. The directory structure is as follows: README - this file - data for field BUL_SC1 - data for field BUL_SC2 - data for field BUL_SC3 - data for field BUL_SC4 - data for field BUL_SC5 - data for field BUL_SC6 - data for field BUL_SC7 - data for field BUL_SC8 - data for field BUL_SC9 - data for field BUL_SC10 - data for field BUL_SC11 - data for field BUL_SC12 - data for field BUL_SC13 - data for field BUL_SC14 - data for field BUL_SC15 - data for field BUL_SC16 - data for field BUL_SC17 - data for field BUL_SC18 - data for field BUL_SC19 - data for field BUL_SC20 - data for field BUL_SC21 - data for field BUL_SC22 - data for field BUL_SC23 - data for field BUL_SC24 - data for field BUL_SC25 - data for field BUL_SC26 - data for field BUL_SC27 - data for field BUL_SC28 - data for field BUL_SC29 - data for field BUL_SC30 - data for field BUL_SC31 - data for field BUL_SC32 - data for field BUL_SC33 - data for field BUL_SC34 - data for field BUL_SC35 - data for field BUL_SC36 - data for field BUL_SC37 - data for field BUL_SC38 - data for field BUL_SC39 - data for field BUL_SC40 - data for field BUL_SC41 - data for field BUL_SC42 - data for field BUL_SC43 - data for field BUL_SC44 - data for field BUL_SC45 - data for field BUL_SC46 - data for field BUL_SC47 - data for field BUL_SC48 - data for field BUL_SC49 bul_sc1.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC1 (2048x8192) bul_sc2.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC2 (2048x8192) bul_sc3.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC3 (2048x8192) bul_sc4.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC4 (2048x8192) bul_sc5.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC5 (2048x8192) bul_sc6.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC6 (2048x8192) bul_sc7.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC7 (2048x8192) bul_sc8.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC8 (2048x8192) bul_sc9.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC9 (2048x8192) bul_sc10.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC10 (2048x8192) bul_sc11.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC11 (2048x8192) bul_sc12.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC12 (2048x8192) bul_sc13.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC13 (2048x8192) bul_sc14.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC14 (2048x8192) bul_sc15.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC15 (2048x8192) bul_sc16.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC16 (2048x8192) bul_sc17.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC17 (2048x8192) bul_sc18.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC18 (2048x8192) bul_sc19.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC19 (2048x8192) bul_sc20.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC20 (2048x8192) bul_sc21.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC21 (2048x8192) bul_sc22.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC22 (2048x8192) bul_sc23.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC23 (2048x8192) bul_sc24.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC24 (2048x8192) bul_sc25.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC25 (2048x8192) bul_sc26.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC26 (2048x8192) bul_sc27.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC27 (2048x8192) bul_sc28.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC28 (2048x8192) bul_sc29.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC29 (2048x8192) bul_sc30.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC30 (2048x8192) bul_sc31.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC31 (2048x8192) bul_sc32.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC32 (2048x8192) bul_sc33.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC33 (2048x8192) bul_sc34.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC34 (2048x8192) bul_sc35.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC35 (2048x8192) bul_sc36.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC36 (2048x8192) bul_sc37.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC37 (2048x8192) bul_sc38.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC38 (2048x8192) bul_sc39.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC39 (2048x8192) bul_sc40.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC40 (2048x8192) bul_sc41.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC41 (2048x8192) bul_sc42.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC42 (2048x8192) bul_sc43.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC43 (2048x8192) bul_sc44.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC44 (2048x8192) bul_sc45.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC45 (2048x8192) bul_sc46.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC46 (2048x8192) bul_sc47.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC47 (2048x8192) bul_sc48.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC48 (2048x8192) bul_sc49.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field BUL_SC49 (2048x8192) bulge.fields - coordinates of the Galactic bulge fields. - Postscript version of the paper Udalski et al (2002), Acta Astron. 52, 217, describing the maps. All *.gz files are compressed with the gzip program. Format of maps in C-language is: "%6d %11s %11s %7.2f %7.2f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %3d %2d %5.3f %3d %2d %5.3f\n" with columns: V-band I-band DB_no RA(J2000) DEC(J2000) X_tpl Y_tpl V V-I I Ng Nb sig Ng Nb sig where DB_no - number in the database, RA, DEC - equatorial coordinates, X_tpl,Y_tpl - pixel coordinates in the I-band template image, V, V-I, I - photometry data, Ng - number of "good" measurements, Nb - number of "bad" (removed with 5 sigma rejection alghoritm) measurements, sig - standard deviation of "good" measurements. Here is a sample of data from the BUL_SC1 field map: 1 18:02:13.55 -30:25:52.6 436.71 6.63 14.702 1.842 12.857 9 0 0.011 134 1 0.018 2 18:02:13.25 -30:25:50.3 427.20 12.09 14.272 1.845 12.423 11 0 0.011 153 2 0.014 3 18:02:07.46 -30:25:25.4 245.93 72.10 14.430 2.350 12.076 10 0 0.012 218 0 0.014 4 18:02:05.04 -30:25:24.8 170.42 73.28 14.597 2.206 12.388 10 0 0.014 205 0 0.013 5 18:02:06.55 -30:25:02.5 217.51 127.31 16.786 4.338 12.440 11 0 0.123 207 0 0.066 6 18:02:12.63 -30:25:00.1 407.44 133.55 18.150 5.070 13.072 11 0 0.222 217 0 0.102 7 18:02:11.18 -30:24:56.7 362.03 141.64 15.598 3.058 12.535 9 1 0.023 223 2 0.015 8 18:02:07.45 -30:24:54.9 245.59 145.67 16.275 4.049 12.218 11 0 0.059 212 0 0.025 9 18:02:11.38 -30:24:52.6 368.36 151.45 15.343 3.322 12.015 10 0 0.101 215 0 0.054 10 18:02:03.26 -30:24:47.6 114.56 163.08 14.999 3.369 11.624 11 0 0.070 210 0 0.031 11 18:02:00.00 -30:24:47.3 12.71 163.60 99.999 9.999 12.666 0 0 9.999 111 3 0.012 12 18:02:15.40 -30:24:36.2 493.86 191.32 18.808 5.679 13.118 6 0 0.072 207 0 0.073 13 18:02:04.24 -30:24:29.0 144.92 207.99 14.200 2.561 11.633 10 0 0.040 219 0 0.027 14 18:02:01.05 -30:24:15.6 45.27 240.22 99.999 9.999 11.950 0 0 9.999 166 0 0.009 15 18:02:08.06 -30:24:08.8 264.47 257.18 15.898 2.873 13.020 10 0 0.018 219 0 0.014 16 18:02:00.65 -30:24:07.2 32.53 260.56 99.999 9.999 12.531 0 0 9.999 152 0 0.012 17 18:02:03.60 -30:24:07.4 124.85 260.36 16.662 3.715 12.940 10 0 0.155 219 0 0.015 18 18:02:13.46 -30:23:56.6 433.13 287.02 16.145 3.402 12.736 11 0 0.033 230 0 0.020 19 18:02:03.70 -30:23:44.5 127.99 315.63 14.878 2.571 12.304 11 0 0.040 215 0 0.015 20 18:02:02.05 -30:23:42.8 76.14 319.50 99.999 9.999 11.544 0 0 9.999 196 0 0.014 21 18:02:06.93 -30:23:33.1 228.74 343.38 15.258 2.613 12.641 11 0 0.017 218 0 0.013 22 18:02:02.41 -30:23:24.2 87.39 364.53 99.999 9.999 11.738 0 0 9.999 207 0 0.054 WARNING!!! "Magic" numbers: 99.999 for magnitude and 9.999 for color and standard deviation denote "no measurement". !!! Any presentation of the scientific analysis or usage of the data from the VI maps of the Galactic bulge should cite the apropriate OGLE paper(s). !!!